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11.06.2021 | 5 min read |
by Andrea Rácz
HubHub Benefits: collaboration with Office Yoga continues even in times of pandemic
Many of us work at home in substandard and unprofessional conditions. It’s not uncommon to find ourselves working at the kitchen table, from the living room couch, or even from bed. With all these problems, HubHub is trying to help our members improve their work setup by using our co-working spaces and offices and even in the home office.
That’s why HubHub Prague has been working with Helena Nehasilova and her Office Yoga Project since 2018.
“The purpose of the Office Yoga project is to bring healthy movement into offices. Many people suffer from a sedentary lifestyle and its associated problems. After work, people are exhausted and don’t have the time or inclination to exercise. The aim of our project is for people to take a few minutes for themselves and their bodies at work.” Says Helena Nehasilová, founder of Office Yoga and Joga Letná studio.
Before the outbreak of COVID-19, yoga classes for HubHub members were held once a week at HubHub Prague. The lessons were very popular with members, and the number of participants was high. However, the transition of most companies to work-from-home did not impact the popularity of classes.
“We didn’t want to stop the yoga classes. Very quickly, we were able to come up with an alternative solution and moved our lessons with Helena to the online space.” Simona Nedeljaková, Community Manager of HubHub Prague, describes.
In addition to the live online sessions, HubHub also organizes regular online Yoga Club discussions in cooperation with Helena Nehasilova.
“When practising online, we don’t see our members, and we miss out on valuable feedback. That’s why we have introduced regular Zoom calls called HubHub Yoga Club,” adds Nedeljakova.
“We always prepare a short lecture for the participants focusing on the possibilities of exercising in offices or on optimizing the work environment in terms of ergonomics and other issues that our members are concerned about. Following this, there is a joint discussion where we can discuss all the issues.” Helena Nehasilová explains the purpose of the HubHub Yoga Club.
“We all hope that we will soon meet again live. We would love to return to practicing on the terrace at HubHub on Příkop 14 during this summer.” Nedeljakova concludes.