Inspiring spaces
for you

Join like-minded innovators in a creative environment.
Accelerate your business conversion.

Empowering your growth.
In our space

More than a coworking space, we're a community.
Jumpstart your business instantly.


Why HubHub

We are a melting pot of energetic and dynamic people that turn bold ideas into success. All housed in our prestigious and inspiring spaces. We widen horizons, activate education and create symbiotic connections. Strategically located in the heart of European metropolitan cities, HubHub is the perfect nest for your next venture. Join the community of like-minded, inspiring people who thrive for more. For your development that resonates.


Streamline your productivity and get superb peer-to-peer knowledge. For open-minded people in our open spaces.


Looking for an ultramodern office space to call your own, 100% scalable to meet your needs with the latest tech? We´ve got you covered.


Make a statement by organising events in our locations. Skyrocket your brand image in HubHub.






m2 area

HB Reavis

Shaping Europe’s Real Estate

We are proud to be part of the HB Reavis family - a leading Pan-European workspace provider with a mission to bring remarkable experiences to people’s lives. How? Through inspirational pioneering real estate solutions. Putting you and your well-being at the core of everything, HB Reavis designed 5 solutions. All cater to different needs and requirements and support innovative ecosystems where communities naturally grow.