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10.01.2022 | 5 min read |
by Andrea Rácz
Five podcasts to broaden your horizons in 2022
- The Dropout
By now you have probably heard about Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of failed health thechnology company Theranos which promised their customers that they are able to find out all about their health from just one drop of blood. The company was hyped up to be the new big thing and raised more than US$700 million from venture capitalists and private investors. All of that turned out to be false and at the beginning of this year Holmes has been found guilty on four of 11 charges of fraud. You can listen to how all of that unveiled in this podcast.
- Studio N
If you want to keep up to date with the most important things that are happening in the world this Czech podcast by daily Denik N should become your daily bread. It an interview the host is asking reporters about the most current topics from both local and foreign news. One of the newest episodes deals with protests in Kazachstan. This podcast is held in Czech language.
- Trendspotting
Another great Czech podcast this time from Hospodarske Noviny daily. Its two hosts Thea and Pavlina talk about social phenomena and pop culture trends in everything from food, design and travelling. If you happen to enjoy this just as much as we do, and you have some follow-up questions you can find Pavlina from #Holky z marketingu right at our HubHub Na Příkope 14
- Crimetown
Yes, we know, this is an older one, but if you have not had a chance to give this a listen, well you should do it know. In its first season the hosts will tell you all about a controversial Mayor of Providence city Buddy Cianci. NY Times even went as far as to compare this podcast to the popular TV show The Wire. If you are a fan of detective stories and true crime which has connection to politics this podcast hits all the right notes.
- How I Built This
And for the cherry on top, the American NPR comes to show us stories about innovators, entrepreneurs, idealists, and the stories behind the movements they built. So, if you are a fan of the origin stories of brands this is the podcast for you. It has everything from Spanx through Airbnb and Instagram. Go get inspired and who knows, you may build the next big thing.